Is it Hot? Or cold?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

100411-We 'LOVE' Sunway Pyramid!!!

hey hey hey!!!!
i forgot AGAIN to post bout this..
maklum xD
haha last Sunday,my family and i pergi Sunway Pyramid...
actually xtau nak wat pe...
so kitorang lepak je..
there were our parents, 1 of my older brother and younger brother,and me ;/
so mama kata
"awak ber-3 prgi la mne pon,mama jalan ngan papa"

haha then ktorang bertiga gi la jalan2
mula2 Afham,my older bro nk buat balik number die yg kne curi..
so die prgi maxis and my younger bro and me prgi somewhere else....
at pyramid,Azim(adik) and me suka makan this one japanese food nama die Takoyaki!

Delicious Takoyaki! <3

so cam biase lepas da puas jalan,gi la makan ni...
memang best!!!! xD
lepas da xtau nak watpe,
aku kol abang aku yang kat maxis tu..die kata dah nak ciap
so Azim and me pon pergi la sana..

1lagi tabiat kitorang bile prgi pyramid is that
ktorang suke gi arcade
yela...untuk bermain!brlumba,menari,menembak dll!!!

mula2 ktorang main lumba daytona
memang tu je yang best kat sana
(tp xsmpat nak amik gmbar :(

then Afham (suka dance!!) pergi main DDR
ok,below this is some pics of ddr
the title oif the game

character selection
music selection..kyusuk betul afham! haha
and the dance BEGIN!
Azim dance cool je...but Afham,nak amik gmbar pon xsmpat ;)

another dance pic
What bout me? well aku... xbrape minat senarnye dance2 ni...
boleh and kadang2 xslalu cam dorang ni..
so aku main tembak2 je..
and sorang :'(
and this game called keisatsukan
it means "police 911" ke apa tah...
keisatsukan Arcade machine

Dia main dia Cam Time Crisis where kita kne elak fro time-to-time kan
cuma this one xde pedal.
lau kite nak elak,kite sndiri kne bongkok..
cuz die ada sensor..
so cam penat gak ahh cuz xbiase main tibe2 main
and kne gerak cepat2...
smpai hari ni kaki aku lenguh lagi hahaha ^_^'

hahaha o guess that's it for today la...
da pnjang sgt

Papa & Mama at the paystation :D

Love, Ash <3

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